Sunday, February 17, 2013

Catch up

Lots to catch up on!

First things first, Happy Valentine's day!!!

G and I did it low key this year. Last year we didn't even get to celebrate together, so this was a step up. He sent my flowers (aww I love him!) and I made him dinner. We watched tv, laid on the couch, and enjoyed each other. It was a perfect day.

This weekend we got to spend it with some amazing friends. I love having visitors in Chicago. Taking them to get deep dish pizza, chicago-style hot dogs (all food right?!, clearly the important things haha), walk Michigan Ave., etc.. is just so fun. We had a great time, and I hope they come back and visit soon.


Bachelor recap! Praise the lord Tierra got the boot. Did anyone hear the rumor this week that she is now engaged? I sure hope that is true cause that will make the reunion show really interesting. I was sad to see Lesley go though. She has been a favorite from the start. I am throwing all of my cheerleading skills in Kathryns direction. I hope that is who he picks! We will see!

Lots to talk about this week. Have been emailing the caterer and florist and I am so excited to see what they are working on!

Monday, February 11, 2013


The most fun I have had so far has been letting my bridesmaids know. I wanted to do something special for each one of them. Nothing spoke more to me than a personal letter that they didn't expect to come.

I started the process by going to stationary stores to see what was already out there. I have to say that the pinterest pins are way more creative/cute/sweet than what is in stores. The only option was to make them myself. I have to admit...I am not the most crafty person. I strive to be, but once I sit down to do things they never look quite like I would like them to.
front of the cards

On that note, I LOVE WHAT I MADE! I was so excited to send them out, and even more excited to hear back from each girl.

I have 5 bridesmaids. I hope to introduce each of them separately. All of them live in a different city or state, which makes this all the more fun and interesting.

back of card/front of card/Kate Spade bracelet my AMAZING bridesmaid sent me

I am happy to report that all of them got their invites and all 5 have said "Yes!"

Let the fun begin!!!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Oh Sean!

Bachelor recap time!

One day late, but thats ok...

I believe this is the season of stupid dates. Last weeks roller derby and now the freezing pond. Although it was a beautiful setting, chattering teeth don't make for a great conversation.

I watch the show and the whole time I wait for the drama queen action to begin. Tierra is a nut case. Sean needs to get it together. I get for show value they might keep her around or *Sean* keeps her around, but I think at this point it is annoying.

If he ends up with her, it will be another Courtney situation. Annoying and a disaster waiting to happen.

Poor Sarah! We all knew the chemistry just wasn't really there with them. But she is so sweet. Her last interview broke my heart. You'll find love girl!

Final rose....wasn't surprised to see Daniella and Selma go. I thought it was a last effort on Selma's part with that little tv aired kiss, but it was too little too late. Poor girl! Hope your "mama" forgives you.

Let's see how many more weeks Tierra lasts!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Wedding Planner

My day job is event planning. I have seen the go-with-the-flow bride, the bridezilla, the procrastinator, the over planner, and the list goes on and on.

So my first thought when I started planning was, "people are going to expect me to have my shiz together." This includes knowing what to look for and ask every step of the way. This is true for some things like venue and catering. But, as far as flowers, photographers, and registries...I am at a loss.

To get myself organized, which is typically not difficult I love lists and organization, I bought myself a binder. So far, we have talked to catering, venue and music/entertainment. The sections in the binder on these topics really does provide excellent questions to ask. Although I don't think I will consult "the binder" every step of the way, I think it is a great tool. It also includes helpful tips on wording for invitations, thank you note templates, seating charts, etc...

This is the one I got, but I am sure they are all good! c/o Barnes and Noble

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Bachelor

I have fully immersed myself in the world of wedding tv. This includes (but is not limited to) The Bachelor, Say Yes to the Dress, Cake Boss, the list could go on and on.

I thought I would do a weekly breakdown of my take on The Bachelor, because well...good luck girls!

First things first, I love Sean! Let's just get that out of the way. He is adorable. I love his southern charm and his smile. That being said, he says really corny lines. He also is a bit of a makeout slut. At least it keeps things interesting.

My favorites are:


I hope that next week they spend more time together! They have a great, goofy, chemistry together.


Let's just say it, they would make cute blond haired babies.


Couldn't get over how sweet they were together last week.

There are some others that I know will stick around (Desiree, Selma) but I hope these three pull through. Speaking of Selma, you can't kiss on camera? But being in a swimsuit and snuggled under a blanket, and boobs popping out in every scene is ok? Just wondering!

I was happy to see Amanda go home. She wasn't doing it for me. I did like her dress a lot though at the final rose ceremony! Wonder who makes that? I hope to see Tierra go soon. I hate when drama queens are kept around just to cause drama. There's a reason girls never like you!

What were your thoughts?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Venue hunt

Happy Monday!

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was filled with champagne, great food and of course the task at hand...venue hunting!

G, myself and parents set out on Saturday to see 5 places. We only ended up seeing 4, because we got hungry and decided lunch was more important than the viewing. More on that later... :-)

The first two places we saw really set the bar high, and are the only two we are truly considering. They were very different from each other. The first was a hotel ballroom. Hotels are a unique beast. They really offer everything right up front. Again, I am an event planner at a venue so I know all the arguments against hotel weddings. But, we really liked what they were selling. The only downside: they didn't have our date. We would have to push back a week. This could get difficult because we are planning around work schedules/school schedules/Jewish holidays/christian holidays/ etc...

The second place we saw was breathtaking. It is a concert hall. While we were walking around Roberta Flak was warming  up for a gala they were having that evening. This is the second time I have encountered her at an event. I take that as a sign. We loved the space, but are responsible for bringing everything in. This can get stressful. The downside: they don't have their 2014 schedule printed yet for the Orchestra. We can't book our date until they do. The upside: they said it was a 90% chance our date is available.

This is where I'll stop yapping about venues, until we pick one at least, and talk about food.

Thank goodness the 2nd venue was next to one of the best places I have ever eaten. If you are in University Circle in should definitely look this place up! L'Albatros. It is the best onion soup I have ever had. (that is a BOLD statement, because I have had a lot). Great environment, warm surroundings, amazing service. I could go on and on. This definitely created the environment to discuss our catering needs for the wedding. We are combining a Russian/Jewish cultural with our now living in Chicago mix of foods. This is creating quite a menu in my head. Hopefully the caterers can keep up!
Our table!

Friday, January 25, 2013

She said Yes!

Today marks DAY 4! as a fiance.

The word seems strange to say at first, but becomes really fun when you can answer the phone and say "hey fiance!" or walk in the door "Fiance, I'm home!" (that hasn't happened, yet!).

I wanted to start this blog to chronicle all the steps of our wedding planning process.

As Fraulein Maria from The Sound of Music said...Let's start at the very beginning!

G and I have been dating for over 3 years. We met in College at the biggest and best University. THE Ohio State University. We moved to Chicago, and in with each other, in Summer 2011.

I work as a Wedding and Events Planner. This has proved to be interesting for me to be on the other side of my job. Also a reason for starting this blog. I want to remember every moment and feeling so I can sympathize/empathize better with my clients!

Wedding planning:
I am planning from another state than where I am holding the wedding. This is going to prove to be interesting. G and I live in Illinois. My family is mostly in Pennsylvania and Ohio. His family is mostly in Ohio. Therefore, the wedding is taking place, IN OHIO! This can only add another piece to the puzzle!

Step 1: Venue selection
We are heading home this weekend to see the families and start looking for a venue! Seeing as how I work out of a venue in downtown Chicago, I know a lot of the things to look for. I also know when the answer is made up to sound better than it is!

Ignore the terrible quality--I love him! <3
Lets get this started!